So here is my February/March report (in my real world, I post much more frequently than once bimonthly. But for you, here, in reality....this is all you get.)
Ya. That's why I haven't posted lately. This has taken me like 3 hours, because my internet keeps kicking me out.
With the encouragement of a weenie dog, and a bunch of delicious purple grapes, 2 teenage boys, 2 10 year old boys, aaaaand Miss O, I have endured with much wandering, retries and eating lunch as I wait...
(nobody look...Miss O just dropped her lunch on the floor. I'm sad to inform you that it didn't bounce. It splatted. How sanitary is that floor?)
Anyway: Feb/Mar: Fruitful months. We did a few races. Triumphantly. We celebrated some birthdays, made some good memories, and most recently: we went on an epic hike on Dirtbike Rider's home turf. Check it out: