Friday, June 14, 2013

I can write a new entry!

A-ha!  I have foiled you, Net Nanny!

She wouldn't let me on here last week, and I could NOT figure out what the deal was.    But today I am victorious!  And I didn't even have to get mad at her, and say mean words.  Phew....

I was so excited to write some great Celebration items on here.  Who can remember what they were?  Not I... here are a few things we have been celebrating lately:
We "Mustache" you a question:  do you think Grampa will like his Birthday Present?

So....these lambies are almost full sized now.  But look how tiny they were 2 months ago!  Awwww....

Photo by Miss O.  Spring has Sprung at the new casa, and holy cow, cool things are popping up all over the yard!

This is our poor orphan kitty.  Shorty is smitten with her.  We named her Minnie because she looks a lot like her mommy.  (Come home soon, Callie!)

And I HAVE to put a picture on here of the Between the Rivers Gathering.  We had such a great time being the camp cooks, and learning lots and lots and lots.  We absolutely love the family feel of the Primitive Skills Gatherings. Everyone who attends is so generous with their knowledge.  It's like a smorgasbord.  Can't wait for Rabbitstick!

And, in other news...
Bandi is living up to her name....

 she has become very naughty.  I bought some very pretty flowers to put in my pots on the porch, and I keep finding them dug out and spread all over.  I have cleaned it up a few times, now.  and I just don't know what to do with her besides just keep her tied up so she can't reach.   Ugh....and she was such a nice puppy....

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Agonizingly sloooow internet

So here is my February/March report (in my real world, I post much more frequently than once bimonthly.  But for you, here, in reality....this is all you get.)

Ya.  That's why I haven't posted lately.  This has taken me like 3 hours, because my internet keeps kicking me out. 


With the encouragement of a weenie dog, and a bunch of delicious purple grapes, 2 teenage boys, 2 10 year old boys, aaaaand Miss O, I have endured with much wandering, retries and eating lunch as I wait...

(nobody look...Miss O just dropped her lunch on the floor.  I'm sad to inform you that it didn't bounce.  It splatted.  How sanitary is that floor?)

Anyway:  Feb/Mar:  Fruitful months.  We did a few races.  Triumphantly.  We celebrated some birthdays, made some good memories, and most recently:  we went on an epic hike on Dirtbike Rider's home turf.  Check it out:
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Monday, January 7, 2013

Celebrations to kick off 2013

There is so much to celebrate, and we're only a week in!  I love it!  And I love having a place and an excuse to write all about what is going on in our world.  It helps me to feel gratitude and a sense of accomplishment.
My goals for 2013 are:
 to continue Celebrating! and sharing on this blog.
to do at least ONE of the "Big 5"* perfectly (as a family we chose one to work on.)
to have a happy attitude
to prepare myself in all the ways necessary for the future.
I guess I'll be able to see how well I did at the end of the year if I post regularly on this blog!
On to this week's celebrations:
Celebrating this handsome guy.  He makes my world go around.  It was his birthday on Monday, and it was wonderful to celebrate the Dirtbike Rider...may he have an amazing race season in 2013!  And may 36 be the year for magic to happen for him!  I think he is getting hotter every day...I just had to say that.

Celebrating the Dad by decorating a cake
Shorty was our head-decorator.  We made a yellow cake from scratch
then we made Cake Boss's Fudge Frosting.  Oh my yum.

Celebrating long awaited inside puppies.  This is Chassis (no top-secret blog name for her...she already underwent 2 changes of identity...we shall not confuse her further...)  She is a dappled dachsund, but in our home, she is more commonly referred to as our Weenie.  We like her quite a bit.
Celebrating neighbors.  Ours are real turkeys.  heehee.  We have a herd...a gaggle?  A School! of Turkeys who like to visit us often.  There are also a bunch of deer who gratefully accept our offering of hay.  The kids like to open the back door and yell "Hee-Hawww!" at them.  Honestly, that seems silly to me.

Celebrating creativity!  Shorty is making a doggy bed for Miss Chassis.  She loved it right away.
The best part is that it was all recycled stuff, so I saved a few bucks, and Shorty got to practice his sewing skills.

And last, but not least:  Look which wish came true on Dirtbike Rider's birthday!  Whoopee!  It's keeping the house toasty and warm, and I am so thankful.  Now if I could just keep Chassis from eating the bark off of the wood we bring in....

 *The Big 5 are a suggestion from our church that will help families grow closer, individuals grow stronger spiritually and I think they will just generally help things flow much better.  The Big 5, in case you wonder, are Personal Prayer, Personal Scripture Study, Family Prayer, Family Scripture Study, and Family Home Evening.  Today, we got 100%.  Onward Christian Soldiers!!!
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