Sunday, October 21, 2012

The ceiling moves into the 21st century

So, we've been working away at the house.  Our awesome wall fixer guy, Brett, has been especially hard at work.  I feel bad for his rotator cuffs.  Seriously.  My arms went to sleep watching him work. 
So this is what it started out looking like.  It was that pokey mudded ceiling, circa 1974 or something.  Kinda not my favorite if I had my choice.

Now, it is like this!  Yay, Brett!  You saved us from a life of popped helium balloons, and dusty little pokey things!

And check out what my Dirtbike Rider did!  He created a portal into a new world.  I knew he was pretty powerful, but sheesh.  (If you look at athe photo's in the first post on the house, you can see the long long living room with no door.  Now there is a door.  That door you can see through the NEW PORTAL OF INTERGALACTIC TRAVEL is the front door.  So, rather than having to walk down a loooong dark hallway: zoop!  Enter.)
Before: Water Damage in Shorty's room.
After: all better.

Look at these cute feetprints in the drywall dust.

My hard working princess.  It's wall washing day!  Yayyyy!

These are the kinds of pictures I get when I give the camera to Shorty.

That's our latest Update.  We are still working at it all.  This week, we pour concrete for a few things, including the front steps.  Wish us luck.  Mostly just that we can keep our heads on straight while we are in such a state of disarray!  Wahoo!  What a ride.  I'll be glad when we can settle into the house for the Holidays.

Happy Halloween to you and yours!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

THIS is worth celebrating!

After an entire year of insanity, we have achieved home buying success.  Check out our awesome awesome awesome backyard.  Did I mention it is Awesome....?
The fun part about it is that NOW....comes the work.
Wait.  Is that the fun part?
Well, it makes for good family bonding time...and I KNOW my kids are enjoying the songs I have been making up for their listening pleasure.  I have to admit that they are brilliant.
This is the Living room Before.  Icky, dirty, filthy and gross.  But have no fear!!!!

We are attacking it with great fervor, and soon it will be quite lovely.  Here it is After....well, really not after.  But sort transit.

We also have the joys of wallpaper removal.  Jealous yet?

 Luckily only 2 of the bedrooms had it.  And it's mostly finished.  We can hardly wait for the new paint.  It's going to be like a whole new world (hey, that reminds me of a song I can apply to our worktime tomorrow.)

So, here is the breakdown, so you will stay tuned.
We are getting NEW NEW NEW

a new back door
a lovely roof repair
new potties
new showers
new bathroom vanities
new flooring throughout the main level
new lighting fixtures
a new hearth for our old woodstove
new paint for the kitchen cupboards (i'm saving that before/after shot for the day that it's done so you can OoOOh and Aahaaaah with me at that juncture.)

Oh!  I almost forgot my very most exciting thing:  we get a dishwasher!  It's almost been 5 years without one....I can hardly wait!!!!  (ok, my three manual dishwashers are who is excited.)
Also a new fridge and stove, cause...the stove was covered in grimy grimy grody grime.  And the fridge must have run away from all the nastiness, cause I never saw it.

So, I will try to keep this bloggy updated, if/when I get a chance to play on the computer at all over the next several weeks.  (seriously, keeping up one house while you are helping to renovate another one....not conducive to organization at all.)

Happy Happy Celebration Day to you!
Be sure to celebrate the small things.