Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Part 2 of this shindig

I hear so many complaints and concerns from parents about their kids' experiences.  I hear about things like bullying happening in the 2nd Grade classroom, teachers showing cartoons in English for the high school Spanish class, homosexuality and drugs in the school hallways, and having to force their children to do hours of homework.

I hear these things, and in my mind I think to myself: Why?  Why is the world like that, first of all?  And second, why are you willingly putting them in that environment?!?

Here is my version of why:
Because the great and mighty "They" say it's what is best.
It is best to take a child from their mother at a young age and stick them into an age-segregated classroom.  It is best to tell them where to sit, and how to think and who to spend their few minutes of freedom with.  It is best to educate them all the same way, and to discourage creative thought (except when creativity is needful, and then it is called forward on demand.)  It is best to minimize family time and community mindedness in the name of busy-work and cliques.

Because, our tax dollars are going toward public education, so we might as well use it.

Because, the teachers are trained professionals, and I am just a mother...

Because, it's how it's always been done.

It works great.  Millions of people have survived it, and millions more will yet!

But therein lies the rub!  Public school is something to merely be survived.

And that, folks, is why we find the world in it's current state.

That's all for now.  I can't write more without getting myself in trouble.  That's worth about 2 cents anyway...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Part 1 of this thing

Life is an occasion.    Rise to it.

              I believe in you.

                                   I believe in your children.

                                                         And that is why I continue to stand for what I know.

The other night, we watched Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium, which is a wonderfully geeky movie.  I get something more out of it every time I watch it.  I totally love it.  Mr. Magorium's parting words are "Life is an occasion.  Rise to it."   I repeated this sage advice over and over in my mind after watching it.  Because I truly want to rise.

And in truth:  I want us all to rise to the occasion that this life is.

I believe that the youth of today are meant for big things.  Big Things.  BIG Things.
The rules are different for them, all bets are off.
So why are we treating them according to the same old rules?
They deserve innovation.  They invite it, by their very natures:  A new way.

The past several generations were fine with the "old" way.
Which is our challenge, I suppose.  We need to open our minds to learn the new way, so we can lead out...so we can be prepared to teach them and be their guides.

We need to rise to the occasion of raising up a generation of thinkers and leaders and do-ers!

More on this soon.

Do hard things!!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

To blog or not to blog...

I have been wanting to blog more regularly for a while now.  I even have topics I would like to blog about!  (Well, I did...
                    but I didn't write them down...
                                                                so now i don't, really.)

I love my blog.  It is underloved, underused and underappreciated, but loyally it sits, waiting for me to jump on in and write something.

Thank you little blog!

I have no visions of grandeur.  I don't hope to become famous with my blogging skills.  (I don't even know if I HAVE any blogging skills...)

I just want to write.
          To get it off my chest.
                          To gain clarity.
                                         To understand what I'm thinking.
                                                         I want to share what I've learned, and what I'm passionate about.
                                         I want to celebrate the little things.
                          To find a way to be happy about the ouchy things.
           To be grateful for the beautiful things.
And to share that on my bloggy.

I will begin today.

I hope.

And one more thing:  I love my family.  I love my Father in Heaven.  I am thankful that I get to homeschool. I love my computer.  And I am in awe of all of my blessings.

That is all.

These are my favorite people.